Tuesday 7 September 2010

What good can come from negativity?

Maybe the subconscious really wants us to not be happy
surely that cant be the mind of a good man
who wants to be pitied
or empathised with
its not what we say
its what we dont
still we fall for the same old bullshit
i used to think words were worthless
im quickly discovering how wrong i was.
words are all you have
and if you are a man of few words you will be thought of as stupid
i used to think most people can see through it
this is not the case.
People here and there disappearing and reappearing in others lives
totally oblivious to the effect they have on eachother
weaving their own tapestries
whispers and rumours with only dark hearts and dead eyes
to kick up dust and write off their lives
concerned with trivials and false memories
invisible enemies.
Is it a cause for concern
are alarm bells ringing