Friday 5 November 2010

Life and all that other shit

Gratitude and appreciation
these things i dont show often but i really am astounded and suprised by life.
Every day is a gift. Whether youre busy as fuck or you sit on your ass doing nothing all day. Whether you spend it with a shit tonne of other people or alone you only get one chance at this so go for it.
In life you will encounter many people like yourself but they are all different like you. Never assume anything. Ever.
Take in words others say, make memories, take pictures and see beautiful things.
Make mistakes, be happy, be afraid, be sad but remember that life is fucking beautiful.
Do everything within your power and if not make it so!
Im not going to bullshit you with destiny or fate (which are terrible names for people). I used to think we only have a certain amount of control over our own lives but fuck that you can do anything you put your mind to. if your mind is capable of dreaming that is.
Then comes the element of lazyness
There are only so many hours in the day and we do get tired.
But if youre one of those people that cant get to sleep at night (and you are) then your mind is telling you that you need to apply yourself better.
Whether youre learning some super cool stuff at college uni whatever. Learning to drive. Playing the guitar OOOOOOOooOOooOoo these are all small but significant steps to where you want to go. whether you will get to your desired destination is another matter but at least its making you happy. its making you happy right?
So youre out in the big bad world. You make some money you buy shit and you start wondering what to do next. Do i want a house a car and a family? NO the world doesnt want you to do that its too full!! But it will happen anyway.
So now thats out of the way you can now focus on personal tasks.
Your idea
Your aspiration
Your dream
Your calling
Dont know what it is?
Join the fucking queue.

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