Tuesday 4 August 2009

Dogs that bark dont bite.

I couldnt sleep because my mind was going at a million miles an hour. It was peoples lives i was playing with here, my own included. Were other people nodding and agreeing with what I just said? Probably not, since they all had a vested interest in our success and they were outspoken individuals. Was there anything else id left out or forgotten? You reach the point where you have to press on regardless. You could spend the rest of your life thinking about the different options.
I wondered if he was thinking of home, he was a family man with a second child that was just 5 months old. My mind drifted. I hope she wasnt getting affected by anything in the media.
I put on my walkman and listened to madness. I wasnt really listening because my mind was screaming in so many directions, but i must have nodded off about 3, because at 6, when i woke, the lead singer had dropped 2 octaves and they were just about grinding to a halt.
It was quite a frenzy that morning.

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